I looked at my game camera pictures this week and once again proved my neighbor wrong about game not coming to the feeder this time of year.
Even this skunk likes a little corn for dinner.
The crows like corn but I already knew that from watching Saturday morning cartoons.
No wonder I lost all my corn to the coons, there is a whole stinkin’ family of them!
Those young turkeys are starting to get big. Just about right for the roaster aren’t they?
Now I need your help with these next pictures, click on them to enlarge them and give me your opinion. I guess this animal is a tall, lanky house cat. I first thought it might be a small bobcat, but the tail is too long.
What do you say, big house cat? I am going to swap cameras tomorrow, I think the other camera takes better pictures, maybe I will get another chance at him. Keep prepping everyone.